Volume : V, Issue : IV, April - 2015

An Integrated Self–Managing Framework for Autonomic Computing Systems

Smt. Kalpana Dalwai

Abstract :

 A computer system would satisfy the requirements of “autonomic computing”, if the system can configure and reconfigure itself by knowing the operating environments, protect and heal itself from various 

failures or malfunctions. In order to know the environments and detect failure, an autonomic system needs the capability of acquiring the information through self–monitoring. Once the sequence of events leading to a series of disasters 
are figured out, it is required to predict and control the system management process through a number of automated 
learning and proactive actions.

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Smt. Kalpana Dalwai An Integrated Self–Managing Framework for Autonomic Computing Systems Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 4 April 2015

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