Volume : VII, Issue : VII, July - 2017

An Insight into Indian Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) Projects

Nanda Dulal Hazra

Abstract :

 India places 2nd position after China in respect of registered CDM projects and issued Certified Emission reduction (CER) in the world. Sector wise distribution of CDM projects in the world as well as in India shows that renewable energy sector (wind, biomass, hydro and solar projects) is the most promising sector.CDM helps the establishing country to achieve its emission reduction target by earning CER and the host country to achieve its social, technological, environmental and economic well being. Till the end of June 2016 total registered CDM projects and issued CER in India are 1618 and 213730296 CO2e respectively. The main problems of Indian CDM projects are   lack of transparency of project activities among the general people of the project area, problems in validation of the projects by the DOE and corruption in verification and certification of the CER by the DOE etc.

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Nanda Dulal Hazra, An Insight into Indian Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) Projects, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume‾7 | Issue‾7 | July‾2017

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