Volume : VII, Issue : X, October - 2017

An in–vitro study to compare RealSeal and AH Plus as endodontic sealers

Mannu Vikram, Shilpi Kumari

Abstract :

 Background: Real Seal and AH Plus are endodontic sealers used in the obturation of endodontically treated teeth.

Objective: To compare the area of sealer and voids in root canals obturated with AH Plus and Real Seal .

Material and Methods: Forty premolars were decoronated, cleaned and shaped. Obturation was done with Gutta–Percha using Real Seal and AH Plus as sealers. Comparision of the area of sealers and voids were done.

Results: There was a significant statistical difference between gutta–percha/AH Plus and gutta–percha/RealSeal for both the variables of sealer+void/root canal area as well as for void/root canal area (p = 0.00000200 and 0.00191479 respectively).

Conclusion: In the obturation of root canals, resin based sealers have a better outcome.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijar  

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Mannu Vikram, Shilpi Kumari, An in–vitro study to compare RealSeal and AH Plus as endodontic sealers, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-10 | October-2017

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