Volume : V, Issue : X, October - 2015


Dr. V. Sivakumar

Abstract :

 A job has to satisfy the employees both in terms of economic compensation and in terms of emotional factors as well. Initially it was thought that economic fulfillment alone would provide total satisfaction and contentment to the employees. Later, on many occasions, it was proved that monetary compensation alone would not completely satisfy the employees; certain other factors also should be given equal amount of attention and importance. The present study is based on both primary and secondary data. The primary data were collected from the college teachers who are working in the Arts and Science colleges of Sivagangai District with the help of a questionnaire. The inter–correlation matrix of explanatory variables namely support by Seniors(X1), Professional development(X2), Students` behavior(X3), Rewards & Recognitions(x4) with dependent variable Nature of job(Y) denotes that correlation between the explanatory variables X1 to X4 are highly significant and positive. Further, it is also seen that all these explanatory variables are highly, significantly and positively correlated with the dependent variable Nature of Job(Y). This study has made a thorough analysis of Job Satisfaction experienced by the teachers of Arts and Science colleges in the Sivagangai District of Tamilnadu. Various useful suggestions have been given by the researcher to improve the job satisfaction levels of various categories of teachers selected for this study. If they are implemented by the correspondents and secretaries of the colleges, they will go a long way in enhancing the satisfaction levels of college teachers selected for the study as well as the college teachers in general

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Dr.V.SIVAKUMAR An Empirical Study on Job Satisfaction Among Teachers in Sivaganga District Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 10 October 2015

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