Volume : II, Issue : III, December - 2012

An Empirical Study on Customer Services of Selected Public Sector Banks with Special Reference to Udaipur City

Harshita Shrimali, Dharmesh Motwani, Khushbu Agarwal

Abstract :

“Consumer is the real king in India.” This statement clearly depicts that customer satisfaction is the key driven factor behind the growth of any industry and banking is not an exception to it. And due to the increasing fierce competition from commercial banks it is becoming very essential for public banks to know about the level of awareness and satisfaction among its customers to sustain the significant market share.The paper is based on descriptive research design & close ended questionnaire is used to collect the primary data from public bank customers. This paper highlights the reasons of preferring the public banks and also explores the awareness and satisfaction level of public bank customers with special reference to Udaipur city. Conclusions of paper also reveal the impact of customers’ demographic on the awareness level of public bank’s services.

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Harshita Shrimali, Dharmesh Motwani, Khushbu Agarwal An Empirical Study on Customer Services of Selected Public Sector Banks with Special Reference to Udaipur City Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.II, Issue.III December 2012

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