Volume : IV, Issue : II, February - 2014

An Empirical Evaluation on Job Satisfaction of Employees Towards Chennai Logistics Sector

Dr. D. Rajasekar, K. Bhuvaneswari

Abstract :

The project titled “A study on the Job Satisfaction of Employees towards Chennai Logistics sector” clearly states that how the employees in the logistics industry are satisfied with their desire feature of job satisfaction. The main objective of the study is to analyze the perception of employee job satisfaction in an eventual manner. For the purpose of the study a questionnaire was constructed and survey taken from the logistics company and consider them as samples where the total population was infinite in nature. The research design used for the study is descriptive research which will analyze the employees job satisfaction in an full-fledged manner .The collected data is analyzed and interpreted with the help of suitable statistical tools and accordingly the findings, suggestions and recommendations are constructed which is consider to be the important part of the project.

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Dr. D. RAJASEKAR, K.Bhuvaneswari An Empirical Evaluation on Job Satisfaction of Employees Towards Chennai Logistics Sector Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.IV, Issue. II

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