Volume : V, Issue : I, January - 2015


Prof. J. Mohana Sundaram, Prof. V. R. Rajasekaran

Abstract :

The digitization of image can be done by a scanner or by a camera connected to a server board in a computer. The images can be operated by various image processing operation if the image has been digitized once. Image processing operations can be roughly divided into three major categories, Image Compression, Image Enhancement and Restoration, and Measurement Extraction. In this, Image Compression involves reducing the amount of memory needed to store a digital image. In this paper we discuss about hand print which is mainly used for security purpose. We also present a current trend bio–metric technology called palm print recognition. Palm print is captured from the inner surface of a hand between the wrist and the top of the fingers, which contains the principal lines and ridges on the palm, finger and fingerprint. This method can be transferred for vehicle security. Except the owner, when someone try to start the vehicle by placing his palm on the accelerator, the hand print of the person and his photo is sent to the owner’s mobile through MMS media and the area where the vehicle is moving is captured every 30 seconds and sent to the owner’s cellular, by which the identification of thief may quicker and easier.

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Prof. J. Mohana Sundaram, Prof. V.R. Rajasekaran An Efficient Palm Print Recognition Technique for Vehicle Security on Image Processing Context Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 1 January 2015

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