Volume : IV, Issue : I, January - 2014

An Efficient Method of Genomic DNA Isolation from Mucilage–Rich Okra Leaves for Molecular biology studies

Rakesh Kumar Meena, Tanushree Chhatterjee, Sanket Thakur

Abstract :

In this study we have developed a protocol for high purity genomic DNA isolation from dried

leaves of Abelmoschus esculentus and PCR analysis from the resultant DNA. Okra leaves have

rich acidic polysaccharides (mucilage) and polyphenols so it create problem at the time of

extraction. The isolated DNA was free from contaminating agents like polysaccharides, proteins,

and polyphenols and 260/280 ratio 1.56 to 2.50 indicate that DNA isolated by this method was

more pure and analyzed by PCR using RAPD and ISSR DNA primers. The extraction method is

simple and does not require liquid nitrogen. The quantity and quality of the DNA are satisfactory

and the method can be very useful for molecular biology related studies.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijar  

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Rakesh Kumar Meena, Tanushree Chhatterjee, Sanket Thakur An Efficient Method of Genomic DNA Isolation from Mucilage-Rich Okra Leaves for Molecular biology studies Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.IV, Issue. I

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