Volume : I, Issue : IX, June - 2012

An Assessment of Thermal Comfort Zones in Terms of Tourists: A case study of Karveer Tehsil

Prashant Tanaji Patil, Mane Madhuri Maruti, Mugade Nisha Ramchandra

Abstract :

Climate has a strong influence on the tourism and recreation sector. Thermal comfort is one of the important considerations in tourism activity. Thermal comfort is a complex entity. Comfort zone delineate specific combinations of temperature and relative humidity (RH) ranges. These zones are different for winter and summer conditions. For the determination of comfort zone climograph is employed. On the basis of the zones of climograph comfort level is decided. This analysis helps to determine, which month in a year offers comfortable climatic condition for visit of tourists. So, this analysis supports to improve qualitative and quantitative tourism.

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Prashant Tanaji Patil, Mane madhuri maruti, Mugade Nisha Ramchandra An Assessment of Thermal Comfort Zones in Terms of Tourists: A case study of Karveer Tehsil Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.I, Issue.IX June 2012

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