Volume : I, Issue : X, July - 2012

An Assessment of Relationship between Crop Production and Climatic Elements: A Case Study of Karveer Tehsil

Mr. Prashant Tanaji Patil, Miss. Mugade Nisha Ramchandra, Miss. Mane Madhuri Maruti

Abstract :

There exist a very close relationship between Crop production and variability in climate. Hence, plant development is dominantly controlled by Temperature and due to climate change there is increase in temperature. So, the warmer temperatures that shorten development stages of determinate crops will most probably reduce the yield of a given variety. The IPCC’s Fourth Assessment Report concludes that, by 2020, crop yields could increase by 20% in east and Southeast Asia, but decrease by up to 30% in central and south Asia, and that rain–fed agricultural output could drop by 50% in some African countries. The present investigation is related to the study of relationship between crop production and climatic elements. This relationship is well identified by Ergograph technique. This method is coined by the A. Geddes and first used by A.G.Ogilive. It is a graphical representation that indicates the relationship between season, climatic elements and crops.

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Mr. Prashant Tanaji Patil, Miss. Mugade Nisha Ramchandra, Miss. Mane madhuri maruti An Assessment of Relationship between Crop Production and Climatic Elements: A Case Study of Karveer Tehsil Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.I, Issue.X July 2012

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