Volume : IX, Issue : I, January - 2019

An anatomical variation of Renal Artery - A case report

Dr. Prasanna S, Dr. Nirav S Patel, Dr. Megha Chandarana, Dr. Sandeep Kashyap, Dr. Siddharth Roy

Abstract :

Kidneys are pair of excretory organs generally supplied by the Single renal artery on either side, though we found the anatomical variation of blood Supply to the kidney by finding the accessory renal artery on left side. In cadaveric dissection of 65–year male, it was noted that kidney is supplied by the renal artery as well as Accessory renal artery. Accessory renal artery originated about 3cm below the Renal artery. Now a days many renal surgeries such as kidney transplantation, Nephrectomy, pyeloplasty are performed it is must for urologist to understand and identify such anatomical variation for the blood supply to the kidney

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijar  

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AN ANATOMICAL VARIATION OF RENAL ARTERY - A CASE REPORT, Dr. Prasanna S, Dr. Nirav S Patel, Dr. Megha Chandarana, Dr. Sandeep Kashyap, Dr. Siddharth Roy INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-9 | Issue-1 | January-2019

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