Volume : VI, Issue : II, February - 2016


R. Sridhar Anand, Dr. M. Rajendraprasad

Abstract :

<p>  Education is a service commodity, which involves the process of acquisition of knowledge, skills and attitudes which are essential for achieving success in one’s life. It is a dynamic process, which involves imparting knowledge, generating interests and curiosity inculcating desirable attitudes and values and developing essential skills required for independent study. . The idea of lifelong education is the keystone of learning society, in formal system of education discovering the relationship between the high mental process and the learning behavior has always been the major concern of the educationist and educational psychologists. There are different learning styles. Three of the most popular ones are visual, auditory and kinesthetic. Some students are visual learners, while others are auditory or kinaesthetic learners. . A review of the literature will determine how learning styles affect the learning process. In this study analysis the learning styles from 200 primary school students in Karaikal district of Puduchery UT. The findings showed that most of the students preferred learning style was kinesthetic. The purpose of this study is to increase student’s interest and understanding the effect of learning styles on the learning process.</p>

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R.SRIDHAR ANAND, Dr. M.RAJENDRAPRASAD an Analysis of Learning Styles of Students Among Primary Schools Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 2 February 2016

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