Volume : V, Issue : V, May - 2015


Mahesha K K, Kantharaja B B, Dinesha G A

Abstract :

 Health plays a vital role in making an individual and society productive, efficient and optimal. There is  a positive correlation between health and development, both social and economic. The Constitution  of India places the responsibility of health of the citizens in the hands of the ‘State ‘in Indian federal system. The  study found that although there is increase in total spending on public health expenditure it is less than much needed amount. Further, the proportion of health expenditure to GSDP is very dismal and lower than required. Moreover,  GSDP influences health expenditure of Karnataka  

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Mahesha K K, Kantharaja B B, Dinesha G A AN ANALYSIS OF HEALTH EXPENDITURE IN KARNATAKA Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 5 May 2015

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