Volume : VIII, Issue : III, March - 2018

An Analysis and Clinical correlates of Breast Lumps

Arun S. Patil, Pravin Tungenwar, Amit Patil

Abstract :


                              Breast lump is frequently the presenting complaint. A dynamic physiological change in female east makes it prone to varied diseases, lump being the common one. Changes in the east continue through out the life thus no age group is bar from the east disorders. These lumps have two chief causes:  benign and malignant east disease.  Breast tissue is naturally a glandular type of tissue ,almost all women develop nodules or lumps in their easts at some time or another .Lumps, also called ``dominant lumps, ’’feel different from surrounding tissue (AMA 1989).Some may be quite large, while others are small and even diffuse over time(Lark 1996). Fious tissue in the east may be even mistaken for a lump.

         Importance of east lump as a major health problem is highlighted by the fact that east carcinoma is the second commonest carcinoma in females.                

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijar  

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Arun S. Patil, Pravin Tungenwar, Amit Patil, An Analysis and Clinical correlates of Breast Lumps, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-3 | March-2018

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