Volume : IV, Issue : X, October - 2014

An Acoustic Analysis on Speech of Tamil Children with Autism

Avvai Alagammai, Dr. Lalitha Raja. R

Abstract :

Speech refers to the basic verbal means of communicative feature. It consists of articulation voice and fluency. To communicate even with one word or two word utterances articulation voice and fluency is significant. Mispronounced words (articulation problem), over/ under toned voice or hoarse voice (voice problem), and un–rhythmic production of word or a sentence (fluency problem) may distract the listeners perception. Speech intelligibility becomes questionable in that situation. Autism is one among pervasive developmental disorders having impairment mainly in social interaction and, communication. Children with Autism have speech problems. Though this is an extensively observed issue, acoustic analysis on the speech of children with autism is often perceived as an under researched area. The aim of the study is to find out the deviance in speech characteristics of autism. This study acoustically examined the aspects of speech in children with Autism of 4–7 years whose speaking ability is very low. It studies the pitch, formant frequencies, intensity, duration of produced words and compared it with children with and without autism. The analysis of the present study shows that the speech features are abnormal in Children with Autism and gives an insight to provide remedial measures for articulation and voice therapy.

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Avvai Alagammai,Dr. Lalitha Raja. R An Acoustic Analysis on Speech of Tamil Children with Autism Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue : 10 October 2014

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