Volume : VIII, Issue : XII, December - 2018

Alveolar soft part sarcoma of thigh - a case report

Muktanjalee Deka, Shima Shrestha

Abstract :


Alveolar  soft  part  sarcoma (ASPS)  is  a  rare,  slow  growing  soft  tissue  tumour of  an  undetermined  histogenesis. It  is  among  the  least  common sarcomas,  representing  0.2–1%  of  large  studies  of  soft  tissue  sarcomas.  We report  a  case  of  a  35  years  old  female,  who  presented  with  a  swelling  in  the  medial  aspect  of  her  right  thigh  of  3  years  duration,  rapidly  increasing   in  size  over  the  past  3  months.  USG  guided  trucut  biopsy  as  well  as  Excision and  HPE  both  were  performed.  Microscopy  of  which  revealed  round  to  oval tumour  cells  with  abundant  eosinophilic  and  granular  cytoplasm ,  round  to  oval  nuclei  with  vesicular  chromatin  and  prominent  nucleoli  arranged  in alveolar  and  nested  pattern  suggestive  of  Alveolar  soft  part  sarcoma  and  confirmed  by  immunohistochemistry.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijar  

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Alveolar soft part sarcoma of thigh – a case report , Muktanjalee Deka, Shima Shrestha , INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-8|Issue-12| December-2018

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