Volume : III, Issue : VII, July - 2014

Alterations in The Photosynthetic Pigments of Cinnamomum Verum (Presl.) Due to Infestation by The Gall Mite, Aceria Doctersi (Nalepa, 1909) (Acari: Eriophyidae)

P. N. M. Nasareen, C. P. Vibija, Dr. N. Ramani

Abstract :

Aceria doctersi is a highly host specific eriophyid mite, infesting and inducing varying numbers of pouched galls on the leaves, leaf petioles, inflorescence and the young shoots of Cinnamomum verum, one of the most economically important spice and medicinal crop. In the present study, the feeding impact of a gall forming eriophyid mite viz. A.doctersi on the photosysthetic pigments of its host plant, C. verum was studied by analyzing chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, total chlorophyll (a+b) and carotenoid contents of infested and uninfested leaves. The results of the study revealed a significant reduction in amounts of chlorophyll a, b, total chlorophyll and carotenoid pigments, thereby elucidating the potential of the mite in hindering the photosynthetic efficiency of the host plant.

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P.N.M. NASAREEN, C.P.VIBIJA, Dr. N. RAMANI Alterations in The Photosynthetic Pigments of Cinnamomum Verum (Presl.) Due to Infestation by The Gall Mite, Aceria Doctersi (Nalepa, 1909) (Acari: Eriophyidae) Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue.7 July 2014

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