Volume : VII, Issue : XI, November - 2017

Airway management of a neonate posted for excision of plum sized tongue teratoma: Our experience

Dr Meena Singh

Abstract :

 Teratomas are defined as true neoplasm composed of tissues from all three germinal layers and may exhibit variable levels of maturity. Most often they are benign in their histology. When neonatal airway is associated airway pathology, it superimposes more and more difficulty on an already potentially difficult airway. Airway management in neonates with tongue teratoma, is a nightmare for anesthesiologists, especially in view of age (non cooperation), bag and mask ventilation (chubby cheeks and inadequate mask size), difficulty in visualising glottis (anteriorly placed larynx and in our case reduced room for laryngoscopy), extrinsic and intrinsic pressure on airway causing distorsion and risk of bleeding. In case of anticipated difficult airway with intra–oral masses, our goals of management should be careful assessment of the airway, optimization, preparation of good anesthetic plan, provision for emergency surgical airway, look for associated congenital lesions, check for laryngoscopy (optional).

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DR MEENA SINGH, Airway management of a neonate posted for excision of plum sized tongue teratoma: Our experience, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-11 | November-2017

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