Volume : III, Issue : VII, July - 2013

Agriculture in India: A SWOT analysis

Parveen Kumar, M. S. Nain

Abstract :

Agriculture in India today is constrained by various factors. We have created history by producing 250 million MT of food grains in 2012–13, but this has been accompanied by land degradation, declining size of land holdings and many other related problems. The present paper analyses the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to Indian agriculture. While the strength lies in having the largest cultivable land with record food grains production, our weakness lies in having low yields, less value addition and food processing and large amount of post harvest losses. The paper also dwells upon where the opportunities exist and how the opportunities can be further strengthened to augment the yield and income of the farming community the agriculture sector

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Parveen Kumar, M.S. Nain Agriculture in India: A SWOT analysis Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.VII July 2013

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