Volume : V, Issue : I, January - 2015
Agriculture And Food Security In India: An EcononMic Analysis
Mr. Goverdhan Reddy. L
Abstract :
Ever since independence in 1947, agricultural development policies in India have aimed at reducing hunger, food insecurity, malnourishment and poverty at a rapid rate. Keeping this overarching goal in mind, the emphasis, which was initially (for 15 years or so) on keeping food prices low, shifted to macro food–security and subsequently to household and individual food–security. Later, the food security of vulnerable, sustainable use of natural resources, and equity between rural and urban or farm and nonfarm population became the issues of dominant discourse related to agricultural development. The policies and programmes related to marketing and trade were obviously guided by the overall objective sought to be achieved from the agricultural development strategy. The changes in marketing environment and production performance of the Indian agricultural sector should, therefore, be viewed in the context of weight age attached to these objectives at different points of time. India’s agricultural development strategy and approach to food security has yet again proved its resilience in the wake of recent global food crisis, which has created political and social unrest in several countries of developing world. It earlier helped India tide over the severe food crisis of mid– 1960s within a period of one and half decades, and also proved its appropriateness in the wake of economic liberalization and globalization since the early–1990s. Though, India’s performance in terms of reducing hunger and malnutrition has not been as remarkable as that of China and some East Asian countries, given the political and initial socio–cultural milieu, the achievements have certainly been commendable.
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DOI : 10.36106/ijar
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Mr. GOVERDHAN REDDY.L Agriculture And Food Security In India: An EcononMic Analysis Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 1 January 2015
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Mr. GOVERDHAN REDDY.L Agriculture And Food Security In India: An EcononMic Analysis Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 1 January 2015
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