Volume : VIII, Issue : I, January - 2018

Agricultural Finance in India: An Analytical Study

Neeradi Shankaramma

Abstract :


Agriculture is a dominant sector of our economy and credit plays an important role in increasing agriculture production. Availability and access to adequate, timely and low cost credit from institutional sources is of great importance especially to small and marginal farmers. Although agriculture now accounts for only 14 per cent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP), it is still the main source of livelihood for the majority of the rural population. Agriculture is the most important sector in India in terms of the population dependent on it. With more than two third of the population engaged in agriculture related activities. A country with one billion populations, and 56 per cent workforce engaged in agriculture means this is the only sector where such a huge force is engaged. Many countries in the world even do not have their total population, which India is having the workforce engaged in agriculture. As such rapid growth of agriculture is critical for development of rural economy. A viable development of rural economy will leads to inclusive growth.

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Neeradi Shankaramma, Agricultural Finance in India: An Analytical Study, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-1 | January-2018

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