Volume : VI, Issue : VI, June - 2016


Mr. Manoj Mathew P, Dr. Suja M. K

Abstract :

 Education in the present world is intertwined with advancement of each general public. The most significant agency of education is school. But, now a day‘s children‘s confronting such a large number of issues inside the school life and also outside. Many studies founds that, this is due to lack of guidance and propercare from the teachers and their parents. To gear up their capability to deals the problem whichever they face, that will be the more effective solution from the supporter’s side. Parents and academic experts should be aware about this issue and also facilitate opportunities to polish and re–modify their behavior. In the present study indent to investigate adjustment and coping behavior correlates the academic life of children’s. Research findings and studies in relation to school children’s adjustment and coping behavior, which up rise their behavior modification in all circumstances. Descriptive and Diagnostic Research Design was used for the study. Convenient sampling was applied. 50 children were selected from ST. Mary’s Higher Secondary School, Edoor, Kerala. Adjustment Inventory scale by S. Bhattacharya (1967) was used to measure the level of Adjustment and Coping behavior check list by Jean.E.Disc Lewis (1998) was used to measure the level of coping behaviour. It was also associated with socio demographic variables.

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Mr. Manoj Mathew P, Dr. Suja M.K ADJUSTMENT AND COPING BEHAVIOUR AMONG SCHOOL CHILDREN Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 6 JUNE 2016

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