Volume : V, Issue : IV, April - 2015

Acute Retroviral Seroconversion Presenting as Bilateral Facial Palsy

Ameya Bihani

Abstract :

 Bilateral facial palsy is of very infrequent incidence and generally has a systemic cause than local cause 

The most common causes of bilateral facial palsy are neuro–sarcoidosis, Lymes disease,Guillan Barre disease and Syphilis. Acute retroviral seroconversion is a very rare cause of bilateral facial palsy. We present here a case 
of 30 year old married female developing bilateral facial nerve palsy due to acute HIV infection and presented during 
window period and later was diagnosed with HIV infection by ELISA test.

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AMEYA BIHANI Acute Retroviral Seroconversion Presenting as Bilateral Facial Palsy Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 4 April 2015

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