Volume : V, Issue : IV, April - 2015

Acute pancreatitis: Demographics, aetiological factors and outcomes

Dr Shinde Jeevan Vitthal, Dr Shinde Viraj Chandrashekhar

Abstract :

 Background–Acute pancreatitis is a oad spectrum diseases, which vary from parenchymal edema to 

necrosis. We report our experience of spectrum of aetiologies and outcomes of acute pancreatitis.
Patients and methods. Prospective data of patients with acute pancreatitis during June 2011 – December 2014. The 
causes, complications and mortality rate of the pancreatitis were noted. 
Results. From June 2011 – December 2014,there were 282 patients with acute pancreatitis– 94 females and 188 males. 
Median age was 37 years. Episodes of pancreatitis were associated with alcohol consumption in 62% of cases and with 
gallstones in 14%; 4% with both gallstones and alcohol consumption, 8% with dyslipidaemia and 5% with retroviral disease. 9% of admissions ended in death of the patient.
Conclusions. Alcohol was the main cause of pancreatitis. Outcomes in this series are similar to Western studies except 
that the majority of deaths occurred early, implying that improved supportive care may improve survival.

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Dr Shinde Jeevan Vitthal, Dr Shinde Viraj Chandrashekhar Acute pancreatitis: Demographics, aetiological factors and outcomes Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 4 April 2015

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