Volume : I, Issue : VII, April - 2012


Archana U Shekokar, Vandana A Tendolkarndolkar

Abstract :

Accessory renal arteries are a frequently found variation. Familiarity about the possible variations in the renal arterial pattern is important for clinicians dealing with surgical and radiological procedures, including kidney retrieval and transplantation. The aim of the present case report is to increase awareness of the presence of such anatomical arrangements. The variation was found during routine dissection in an approximately 60 years old male cadaver, apparently healthy with no other anomaly. There was a unilateral, left–sided accessory renal artery to the lower pole of the kidney, which crossed the anterior aspect of the ureter. When accessory renal arteries occur, each supplies a distinct renal segment, with no collateral perfusion. Thus it is an end–artery. The key issue then is to determine the technical implications of surgical procedures on the kidney as well as post–operative management of the case.

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Archana U Shekokar, Vandana A Tendolkarndolkar ACCESSORY RENAL ARTERY: A CASE REPORT Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.I, Issue.VII April 2012

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