Volume : III, Issue : VI, June - 2013

Acceptability and Glycemic Response of Honey Incorporated Traditional Sweet Preparation

Charu Katare, Seema Rana

Abstract :

Honey is the sweetening agent known to the early man, and naturally found its way into traditions, rituals, customs and food of Indian households. It is the most complete natural food and ensures to get the daily dose of essential nutrients. Sugar (primarily sucrose) has been a part of the daily diet for literally hundreds of years, but research is now suggesting excessive consumption of simple sugars with high glycemic index (GI) values have been shown to cause overeating and weight gain. The study was undertaken to determine acceptability, glycemic response (GR) and GI of honey incorporated traditional sweet preparation ladoo. It was observed that there was a significant reduction (p<0.001) in GR of honey incorporated ladoo compared to glucose and ladoo prepared with cane sugar. Honey incorporated ladoo fell into low GI category with almost the same acceptability as cane sugar ladoo.

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Charu Katare, Seema Rana Acceptability and Glycemic Response of Honey Incorporated Traditional Sweet Preparation Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.VI June 2013

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