Volume : III, Issue : XII, December - 2013

Accelerated Reliability Centered Maintenance: A New Maintenance Strategy

Deepak Prabhakar P, Dr. Jagathy Raj V. P.

Abstract :

Reliability Centered Maintenance is an established methodology for identifying maintenance tasks. This method is used primarily in the fields of airline maintenance and certain automobile industries. In the process and petroleum refining industries, where equipment reliability is as much a concern as that of the airline industry, this methodology has found only limited application. This is due to the complexity of the original approach which requires dedicated resources and a long gestation period for accrual of benefits. With a view to simplify the process of RCM, the authors have developed an alternate methodology of RCM known as Accelerated Reliability Centered Maintenance or A–RCM. This paper provides the details the model as well as the methodology of the A–RCM process.

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Deepak Prabhakar P, Dr. Jagathy Raj V. P. Accelerated Reliability Centered Maintenance: A New Maintenance Strategy Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.XII Dec 2013

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