Volume : IV, Issue : X, October - 2014

A ZVS Interleaved Boost AC/DC Converter With Reduction in Switching Losses

B. Venkatesh Reddy, G. Satish

Abstract :

Modern AC–DC power supplies utilize power factor correction in order to minimize the harmonics in the input current drawn from the utility. The Boost topology is the most popular topology for power factor correction today but it has some disadvantages like very high EMI due to reverse recovery of the boost diode and high switching losses caused by hard switching of the boost switch. Many variations of the original boost topology have been suggested to overcome these problems. The Zero Voltage Transition Boost converter is one such solution. In such a converter an auxiliary resonant circuit is employed which is activated only when the boost switch is turning on or off. This auxi1iary circuit allows the boost switch to turn on and off under zero voltage conditions thus reducing the switching losses. In this paper a soft–switching boost power converter is proposed and analyzed.

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B. Venkatesh Reddy, G. Satish A ZVS Interleaved Boost AC/DC Converter With Reduction in Switching Losses Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue : 10 October 2014

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