Volume : IV, Issue : XI, November - 2014

A Technological Literature Survey on STATCOM utilising Cascaded Multilevel Converter (H Bridge)

Rakeshkumar B. Shah, Prof. Sanjay R. Vyas

Abstract :

Though extensive literature exists on the cascaded multilevel inverter, while now STATCOM are showing increasing popularity in recent years for industrial application. In the last 42 years conventional thyristerbased power electronics has been increasingly used for the compensation and control of electric power transmission systems. This technology, represented by line–commutated converters for HVDC transmission, and by thyrister–switched and controlled capacitors and reactors for reactive shunt and series compensation of ac transmission lines, has contributed significantly to the practical realization of today’s highly efficient interconnected transmission networks. This Literature Survey is dedicated to a comprehensive study of static synchronous compensator (STATCOM) systems utilizing cascaded–multilevel inverters.

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RAKESHKUMAR B. SHAH, Prof. SANJAY R. VYAS A Technological Literature Survey on STATCOM utilising Cascaded Multilevel Converter (H Bridge) Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue : 11 November 2014

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