Volume : X, Issue : VII, July - 2020


Dr. P. Sarat Jyotsna, Dr. U. G. S. Rahul, Dr. P. N. Jikki

Abstract :

Normal urine is light yellow in colour due to the presence of urochrome.Discolouration of urine to orange,red or own is common. But blue, green or purple urine is rare. We present three patients of discoloured urine of which one had blue urine due to presence of methylene blue in urine while another had green coloured urine also due to presence of methylene blue but in combination with urochrome third patient had purple coloured urine due to presence of indoles.Although most often benign sometimes coloured urine indicates urinary tract infection or serious metabolic disorder

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A TALE OF THREE COLOURED URINES, Dr. P.Sarat Jyotsna, Dr. U.G.S. Rahul, Dr. P.N.Jikki INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-10 | Issue-7 | July-2020

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