Volume : VI, Issue : XII, December - 2016


Dr. Dasaradha Murmu, Dr. Chaya Prasanna S

Abstract :

 The present study is undertaken to provide an insight into the spectrum and frequency of microorganisms causing Asymptomatic Bacteruria(ASB) in pregnancy and its maternal outcome in pregnant women attending ASRAMS ,Eluru. This study included 100 women, 50 as cases i.e., with ASB, 50 as controls. In our study, E.Coli was the commonest organism isolated(60%) followed by Klebsiella (22%). 52% had anaemia, 26% delivered preterm, 24% had PROM, 4% had pyelonephritis, 17% had puerperal pyerexia,9% had emergency caesarean section wound infection, 20% had subinvolution. If unrecognized and untreated ASB leads to adverse maternal outcomes. Hence screening and treatment of ASB should be incorporated as a routine in antenatal care. Health education about personal hygiene should be emphasized to all pregnant women during their antenatal visits

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DR. Dasaradha Murmu, Dr. Chaya Prasanna S, A SYMPTOMATIC BACTERURIA IN PREGNANCY, Indian Journal of Applied Research,Volume : 6 | Issue : 12 | December 2016

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