Volume : I, Issue : X, July - 2012

A survey on secure file synchronization in distributed system

Chhaya Nayak, Deepak Tomar

Abstract :

Distributed software systems have gained increasing popularity in recent years many systems have been designed to address the security problems of modern distributed file systems. However, these systems have suffered either from weak security, poor performance, or both. Distributed file systems are most widely used system today. A secure system is one that can keep information to be secret. Individuals, governments, and institutions such as banks, hospitals, and other commercial enterprises will keep their information secret on computer system if they can be absolutely certain of confidentiality. The problems of maintaining security are compounded because the shå of secrets is generally desired but only in a tightly controlled manner.

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Chhaya Nayak, Deepak Tomar A survey on secure file synchronization in distributed system Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.I, Issue.X July 2012

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