Volume : VIII, Issue : VIII, August - 2018

A study to evaluate effectiveness of self instructional module on knowledge in respect to school phobia among primary school teachers at selected primary schools of Karad city.

Tejas S Bhosale, Dr. Vaishali R Mohite, Prabhuswami Hiremath, Shivaji Pawar

Abstract :

Objectives (1) To assess baseline knowledge in respected to school phobia among primary school teachers. (2)To evaluate effectiveness of self instructional module on knowledge regarding school phobia among primary school teachers. (3) To find the association between knowledge regarding school phobia among primary school teachers and selected demographic variables. Methodology: Research design one group pre testpost test design Research Design.Population of the study was primary school teachers, 40 teachers selected by purposive sampling technique at selected primary schools in Karad city. Structured questionnaire were used which consist of demographic data and questionnaire regarding knowledge of school phobia. The collected data were studied and analyzed in terms of objectives of the study using descriptive and inferential statistics. Results: The mean pretest knowledge score 13.425 and posttest mean score 18 the calculated t value was 12.914 was found significant at p<0.05 level. The values revealed that there was a statistically significant difference in pretest and posttest knowledge score among primary school teachers. Conclusion: Self instructional module was effective to improve the knowledge regarding school phobia among primary school teachers.

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Tejas S Bhosale, Dr.Vaishali R Mohite, Prabhuswami Hiremath, Shivaji Pawar, A study to evaluate effectiveness of self instructional module on knowledge in respect to school phobia among primary school teachers at selected primary schools of Karad city., INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-8 | August-2018

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