Volume : V, Issue : III, March - 2015

A Study to Correlate the Clinical Signs and Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Lumbar Intervetebral Disc Prolapse

Dr. Deepak Hegde, Dr. Arjun Ballal, Dr. H. Ravindranath Rai

Abstract :

BACKGROUND: A Spinal disc herniation (prolapsusdisciintervertealis) is acondition affecting the spine in which a tear in the outer, fious ring (annulus fiosus) of an interverteal disc allows the soft, central portion (nucleus pulposus) to bulge out beyond the damaged outer rings. The patent presents usually with severe low backache with one or both sided lower limb radiation. MRI has assumed a prominent role in the imaging evaluation of the spine. The aim of this study is to evaluate 50 patients who presented to us with low backache and to study the correlation between MRI findings in them with the clinical findings. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Fifty patients with age groups between 20–70 yrs who presented to JUSTICE K.S.HEGDE CHARITABLE HOSPITAL with low backache were taken under the study. MRI done in all of them and findings were compared with the clinical findings. Using the SPSS software statistical analysis were performed. The following results were drawn. RESULTS: Out of all our patients majority of them showed negative nerve tension signs with positive disc lesions on MRI. The neurological signs like motor, sensory deficits and abnormal reflexes significantly correlated with MRI. CONCLUSION: From our study we conclude that the key to diagnose and investigate the interverteal disc prolapsed is the clinical history and more importantly the clinical examination. The clinical signs like motor deficits and sensory deficit significantly with abnormal MRI findings however the nerve tensions signs are not significant in disc lesions.

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Dr. Deepak Hegde, Dr. Arjun Ballal, Dr. H. Ravindranath Rai A Study to Correlate the Clinical Signs and Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Lumbar Intervetebral Disc Prolapse Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 3 March 2015

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