Volume : VII, Issue : III, March - 2017

A Study to Assess the Unmet Need for Family Planning and its Determinants Among Married Women in Urban areas of Kalaburagi District of Karnataka, India

Deepak Jamadar, Sujatha Inginshetty

Abstract :

 Population as a human resource is vital for development of a nation. However beyond a desirable level, growth of population is likely to work as a deterrent to the socio–economic development of a country. Hence there is a need for controlling population growth through control of conception rather than prevention of conception. Unmet need is a powerful concept for designing family planning program and has important implication for future population growth. The present study was conducted to find the magnitude of unmet need for family planning and to study the association between unmet need for family planning and its determinants, among married women in urban areas of Kalaburagi district of Karnataka state, India.  A cross sectional study was carried out by taking 600 married women in the reproductive age group. The unmet need for family planning was found to be 34.67%. Unmet need for family planning is highest (49.32%) among women belonging to 40–49 years age group. Religion, education of women and family income were significantly associated with unmet need for family planning. Unmet need is highest (44.44%) among the women having more than two living children. Common reasons for unmet need for family planning were lack of awareness about family planning methods, to get child soon, religious reasons and fear of side effects. 36.50% of the respondents  acquired knowledge about contraceptives from their relatives. 

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Deepak Jamadar, Sujatha Inginshetty, A Study to Assess the Unmet Need for Family Planning and its Determinants Among Married Women in Urban areas of Kalaburagi District of Karnataka, India, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume‾7 | Issue‾3 | March‾2017

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