Volume : VIII, Issue : VI, June - 2018

A study to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge regarding anorexia nervosa and its prevention among adolescent girls in selected schools of Srinagar.

Syed Suraya Jabeen

Abstract :

In contemporary society, females want to be thin. The elite classes and the so called jet setting  citizens  on  the  world  both  propagate  and  give  in  to  the  madness  to  be  thin. As the mass media have come to rule of world with both full of super slim models, young girls end up in idolizing them.  Adolescence is a period stuffed with lots of psychological problems. Higher number of girls is affected with common psychological problems like anxiety, sleeping disorder, depression, tension and eating disorders. Studies have  shown  that  most  common  psychological  disorder  among  adolescents  is  Anorexia nervosa. Anorexia  nervosa  is  a  disorder  characterized  by  extreme  concern with  body  weight,  an  intense  fear  of  becoming  fat,  and  maintenance  of  body  weight below  expected  levels  for  height  and  age.  There are mainly two types of Anorexia nervosa. One is restricting type and other one is binge–eating/purging type.

Aim:   The  aim  of  the  study  was  to  assess  the  effectiveness  of  structured  teaching programme on knowledge regarding anorexia nervosa and its prevention among adolescent girls in selected schools of Srinagar.

Materials and methods: A pre– experimental study was conducted using one group pre– test, post –test design to assess the level of knowledge regarding  anorexia nervosa and its prevention among adolescent girls in   selected schools of Srinagar. The study was conducted in 2 selected schools of Srinagar (IMI girls wing Srinagar& SSM higher secondary Srinagar ). The sample was selected by Stratified proportionate Simple random sampling technique. The sample size was 80. Structured questionnaire was used to assess the knowledge of adolescents girls.

Results: Findings of the study revealed that the  post– test mean score was 23.69  with  standard deviation 4.16  and the respondents knowledge was  significantly higher than, the  pre–test  mean  score  of 13.30  with  standard  deviation  4.11 at  P<0.05 level. It is evident that the mean post–test score was higher than the mean pre–test score. Hence the STP on Anorexia nervosa and its prevention was effective.

 The study  revealed that  there is statistically significant association with variable such as  occupation of mother(at p=0.02) and evidenced that there was statically association at p≤0.05 level and no association was found with  demographic variables like age, residence, type of family, educational status of father, educational status of mother, occupation of father and dietary habits

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Syed Suraya Jabeen, A study to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge regarding anorexia nervosa and its prevention among adolescent girls in selected schools of Srinagar. , INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-6 | June-2018

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