Volume : VIII, Issue : VII, July - 2018

A study to assess the effectiveness of planned teaching program on knowledge regarding risk factors of coronary artery disease among patients with stable angina in a selected hospital of Kashmir.

Nighat Gowhar

Abstract :

Coronary artery disease (CAD) is the leading cause of death worldwide. It is assuming a serious dimension in developing Countries. In India, an estimated 1.5 million people die of Coronary artery disease every year There has been a considerable increase in the prevalence of coronary heart disease in urban areas of India during the last decade.

So, Nurse should educate the patients about condition, risk factors and modification of risk factors of coronary artery disease so that they can adhere strictly to healthy lifestyle, to prevent further complications.

 Aim: The aim of the study was to determine the effectiveness of planned teaching program me on knowledge regarding risk factors of coronary artery disease and to findout the association between pre–test knowledge score among patients with stable angina with their selected demographic variables ( age, gender, education and residence)

Materials and methods: A pre– experimental study was conducted using one group pre– test, post –test design to assess the  knowledge regarding   risk factors of coronary artery disease among  patients with stable angina in selected hospital of Kashmir . The study was conducted in a cardiology department of skims (soura) srinagar.The sample was selected by purposive sampling technique . The sample size was 50. Structured interviewschedule was used to assess the knowledge of patients with stable angina, Intervention was done in the form of planned teaching programme and post test was done on 3rd day of intervention.

Results: Findings of the study revealed that The (Mean±SD) post–test knowledge score i,e. (30.00±5.07) was greater than (Mean±SD) pre–test knowledge score i,e(21.24± 4.96) with Mean difference 8.76  which was highly significant( p<0.001). Therefore it is evident that planned Teaching Program me was effective in increasing the knowledge of patients with stable angina regarding risk factors of coronary artery disease.

 The association of demographic variables with pre test knowledge scores was analyzed by using chi square test,Thestudy revealed that there was no significant association between the pre –test knowledge score and selected demographic variables (age residence,) But pre test knowledge score has significant association with education and gender. Hence the Null hypothesis which states that “there is no significant association between pre–test knowledge score regarding risk factors of coronary artery disease among patients with stable angina with their selected demographic variables (age, gender, education, residence)”was partially accepted and partially rejected.

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Nighat gowhar, A study to assess the effectiveness of planned teaching program on knowledge regarding risk factors of coronary artery disease among patients with stable angina in a selected hospital of Kashmir., INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-7 | July-2018

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