Volume : V, Issue : VI, June - 2015

A study to assess effectiveness of Government nutrition programs to address child undernutrition

Dr. Manohar Bhatia

Abstract :

 Background: In 1975, the Indian government launched Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) program to address child undernutrition. Even after 40 years, ICDS has been largely unsuccessful in improving child undernutrition. The aim of this study was to assess the perception of mothers and health staff regarding effectiveness of ICDS to combat child undernutrition. Methodology: This cross–sectional study was conducted in Gwalior District among doctors, Supporting Staff and Mothers using separate questionnaires. Results: 64% Doctors and 81% supporting staff believed that Private practitioners have no role in implementing nutritional component of Child Health Programs while 70% Doctors and 84% supporting staff believed the same for NGOs. 82.50% mothers recalled that there were no home visits by health workers in last two months. Only 59.50% mothers were satisfied with the quality of food provided at AWCs. Conclusion: Programs like ICDS are in need and efficient management and funding is required to run these programs.

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Dr. Manohar Bhatia A study to assess effectiveness of Government nutrition programs to address child undernutrition Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 6 June 2015

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