Volume : IV, Issue : III, March - 2014

A Study to Analysis Sectorial Correlation Between Book Value, DPS, EPS, P/E and Market Price of Selected Companies Listed on BSE, India

Asst. Prof Ajay Shukla, Prof. Megha Kukreja

Abstract :

This study was undertaken to examine the relationship between equity share prices and fundamental variables such as book value of share, dividend per share, earnings per share and P/E ratio for the period from March 2009 to March 2013. It takes into consideration various sectors of the stock market and shows which variable has the most impact on market price of share. This paper attempts to investigate the relevance of these fundamental variables on market price of selected 65 companies from 13 sectors. From each of these sectors 5 companies were chosen based on market capitalization. Analysis shows that FMCG & Consumer durables sector follow above indicators.

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Asst. Prof Ajay Shukla, Prof. Megha Kukreja A Study to Analysis Sectorial Correlation Between Book Value, DPS, EPS, P/E and Market Price of Selected Companies Listed on BSE, India Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.IV, Issue. III

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