Volume : III, Issue : XII, December - 2013

A study on workforce challenge in Healthcare Industry – An imperative factor

Beena Joice M.

Abstract :

With the increased competition and competitors in this corporate world, every organisation must focus on being more adaptable, resilient, nimble, employee and customer oriented to accede. The Predominance of the word challenge, irrespective of the sectors has left no space without the buzz of notes like satisfaction, talent hunt, versatility, compensation, workforce management, recruitment, retention and so on for the organisation to survive. Healthcare sector is preferred, by looking at the rate of the growth in India which is moving ahead and is neck to neck with the pharmaceutical, software, construction industry of the country. Amidst this, healthcare sector faces innumerable challenging factors of talent management, training, workforce planning, recruitment and retention. The study is been planned to find out the challenging tasks of attracting, recruiting, training and retaining in this sector and the possible ways to move ahead for better accomplishment.

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Beena Joice M. A study on workforce challenge in Healthcare Industry - An imperative factor Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.XII Dec 2013

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