Volume : VIII, Issue : V, May - 2018

A Study on variations in the course and termination of Brachial Artery

B. Lalitha, C. K. Lakshmi Devi

Abstract :

Having knowledge regarding variations in the arterial pattern of upper limb is very important for clinician and surgeons during diagnostic and therapeutic purposes.Present study aimed at the variations in the course and termination of Brachial artery from the cadavers of routine dissection in the department of Anatomy, ACSR Government Medical college,Nellore.54 specimens of upper limb were dissected and following variations were observed.   Brachial artery has superficial course in relation to median nerve by crossing the median nerve at the level of insertion of Coracoachialis in two specimens .Trifurcation of Brachial artery was observed in one specimen where common interroseous artery instead of arising from the ulnar artery, has taken its origin directly from the achial artery so that three terminal anches were found at the level of neck of radius namely ulnar artery ,radial artery and common interosseous artery .Superficial arteries of upperlimbs can be mistaken for veins leading to intra arterial injections causing injury to the artery.

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B. Lalitha, C.K. Lakshmi Devi, A Study on variations in the course and termination of Brachial Artery, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-5 | May-2018

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