Volume : V, Issue : IV, April - 2015

A Study on Undergraduate Students' Co–Operative Learning of Reading Comprehension Performance in the Classroom

Dr. Kesavan Vadakalur Elumalai

Abstract :

 One of the biggest challenges for teachers face today is how to improve an enhance the reading comprehension skills. Reading is an essential skill because most new knowledge is transferred either via printed or digital text .I addition to this, Reading comprehension is crucial for undergraduate students for their academic 

and professional success. They need excellent reading skills because they may be required to read different reading 
materials.Basic knowledge that, knows how to decode words,read text aloud,write neatly and spell accurately is simply 
not enough.In addition to these skills,students must have an adequate knowledge base, vocabulary, numerous metacognitive skills and abilities. The present work tries to study language skills of the student’s Co–operative learning of 
Reading comprehension who are studying in undergraduate, which experimented with strategically and effective reading skills .The experiment resulted in motivation students to read text outside the syllabus.

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Dr.Kesavan Vadakalur Elumalai A Study on Undergraduate Students' Co–Operative Learning of Reading Comprehension Performance in the Classroom Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 4 April 2015

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