Volume : IV, Issue : I, January - 2014

A Study on the Liquidity Position of TNPL Using Ratio Analysis

Dr. S. M. Yamuna, A. Kavirthana, K. Nilaa

Abstract :

Ratio analysis is a commonly used analytical tool for verifying the performance of a firm. It involves the calculation and comparisons of ratios which are derived from the information given in the company’s financial statements (balance sheet and income statement) .This analysis plays an important role in determining the strengths and weakness of a company. Analysing financial statements showcases the true financial position of a firm.

The purpose of this study is to analyse the liquidity position of TNPL, which portrays the firm’s ability to meet its short term obligations. To achieve this objective, data has been collected from secondary sources and ratio analysis is used as the statistical tool. Inferences from the study provide potential information to the creditors to determine whether a company will be able to continue as a going concern.

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Dr.S.M.Yamuna, A.Kavirthana, K.Nilaa A Study on the Liquidity Position of TNPL Using Ratio Analysis Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.IV, Issue. I

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