Volume : V, Issue : I, January - 2015

A study on the demographic profile of DM patients and prevalence of risk factors in DM patients attending government hospitals of Jamnagar district.

Dr. Nitin Lodha, Dr. Mrs. Sudha Yadav

Abstract :

According to WHO, India is likely to have 75 million diabetics by the year 2025. The upsurge in diabetic population in India has been ascribed to dietary indiscretion, central obesity, sedentary lifestyle and stressful living. The aim is to assess the demographic profile and prevalence of risk factors in DM patients. Total 400 Diabetic patients attending OPD at government hospital were included. 29.3% were belonging to age below 50 and remaining above 50 years, 51.2% were males and 48.8% females. Majority i.e.81.7% was Hindu, 17.5% were Muslims. 37.8% were from urban and 62.2% from rural side. 41.3% were illiterate and 58.7% were literate. 19.2% were from upper socio–economic class, while 80.8% from lower class. 32.5% patients had family history of DM, 25.3% were obese, physical inactivity in 50.2%, 33.8% had habit of tobacco consumption. Poor dietary practices were seen in 42.5%.

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Dr. Nitin Lodha, Dr. (Mrs.) Sudha Yadav A study on the demographic profile of DM patients and prevalence of risk factors in DM patients attending government hospitals of district. Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 1 January 2015

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