Volume : V, Issue : II, February - 2015

A Study on The Challenges Faced by Automobile Component Exporters

R. Manojkumarr

Abstract :

The Indian automotive component industry manufactures the entire range of parts required by the domestic automobile industry for various vehicles including cars, jeeps, light and heavy commercial vehicles (LCVs and HCVs), tractors, two and three wheelers. The Indian Auto Component Industry has been navigating through a period of rapid changes. Driven by global competition and the recent shift in focus of global automobile manufacturers, business rules are changing and liberalization has sweeping ramifications for the industry. The global auto components industry is estimated at US$ 1.2trillion. The Indian Auto Component Sector has been growing at 20% per annum since 2000 and is projected to maintain the high– growth phase of 15–20% till 2015. The escalating Indian Automobile Industry has indirectly influenced the expansion of the auto spare parts sector in the country. India is steadily surfacing as an international outsourcing destination for producing different automotive components. Firms like Volvo, Toyota, Daimler Chrysler, Hyundai, etc are sourcing their auto spare parts from different automotive makers of India.

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R.MANOJKUMARR A Study on The Challenges Faced by Automobile Component Exporters Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 2 February 2015

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