Volume : V, Issue : IX, September - 2015


Ushajose. K

Abstract :

Children are the gift of god. Constitution proclaims that children are to be safeguarded from any harm, abuse or violence. They are considered to be the greatest human potential on which their dignity should be protected and in this era of digital economy child became a commercial product for exploitation and abuse. Sexual violence against children occurs across all strata of the society and in all countries of the world. It is a heinous offence against mankind. But the crimes against them are always silent, hidden, invisible crime that both girls and boys face at all levels. Research says that more children are abused in every form in every respect. Girls have become commodity to sex tourism, pornography, cybercrimes, trafficking, organ transplants, kidnapping, rape prostitution, sexual assault, harassment, molestation and so on. Female children are prey in other circumstances like foeticide, infanticide, child marriage, and other social evils. The children are the valuable asset and indeed they are the building blocks of our country and of all humanity. There should be a strong will to uplift the plight of the child coupled with strong legislative and legal measures to improve the situation

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UshaJose.K A Study on The Awareness on Sexual Abuse Among Girls in Chennai Schools Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 9 September 2015

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