Volume : III, Issue : XI, November - 2013

A Study on the Awareness Level of Rural Customers with Reference to Organised Retail Shops in Krishnagiri District

S. Abinaya, Dr. A. Ravi

Abstract :

The present research focuses on understanding the attitudes and opinion of consumers towards Organized Retail Sectors with special reference to Krishnagiri District. In India the trading of goods has always been a part of traditional societies. Therefore retail marketing in India can basically divide into two types. One is organized retail market and another is unorganized Retail market. Since Retail sector is the upcoming industry in India, it can create good job opportunities,It is learn that most of the rural people are dissatisfied with the rural retail services. At the same time qualification of the respondents and their position in the society play a major role to determine the attitude towards satisfaction

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S.Abinaya, Dr.A.Ravi / A Study on the Awareness Level of Rural Customers with Reference to Organised Retail Shops in Krishnagiri District / Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.3, Issue.11 November 2013

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