Volume : III, Issue : I, January - 2013

A Study on the Attitude of Siblings Towards Their Mentally Retarded Brother/Sister

M. N. Lukmanuel Hakeem, Dr. V. Subathra

Abstract :

Family is the basic unit and every member of the family influence and affects every other member. When there is a mentally retarded child in the family the burden of the family increases. Even in families with typically developed children sibling rivalry is a matter to reckon with. The problem is multi fold with mentally retarded children. Hence the study attempted to study the attitude of their siblings among 60 respondents. The respondents are the siblings of MR children in day care centers in Coimbatore Corporation. But contrary to belief the siblings had positive attitude towards their MR children and they have responded positively towards the future of their relationship. It may be because of the age group being 5–9 or they are hiding their real emotions towards them.

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M. N. Lukmanuel Hakeem,Dr. V. Subathra A Study on the Attitude of Siblings Towards Their Mentally Retarded Brother/Sister Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.I January 2013

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