Volume : VI, Issue : IV, April - 2016

A study on Stress Management of School teachers with special Reference to Erode District

Dr. A. Ravi, R. Kadhirvel

Abstract :

 “Health is wealth” in this today’s fastest, highly populated and polluted world health is important things without proper health no one cannot live properly in the world. So many peoples are affected by various health problems through stress such as stroke, heart attacks, Kidney failures, Hypertension Headaches, Nervousness etc.,. In this study we are going to study about how the teachers are affected through stress and how we want to overcome the stress.In today’s condition due to the involvement of Management, Interaction with the students, Involvement of Colleagues, High work Pressure such as admission, High working time, low salary, family commitments etc., the stress can be created for teachers and they may not able to concentrate on their works. In order to avoiding the teachers want to follow some coping strategies such as yoga, meditation, exercise, Listening Music’s,Counselling from health counsellors etc.,

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Dr.A.Ravi, R.Kadhirvel A study on Stress Management of School teachers with special Reference to Erode District Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 4 April 2016

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