Volume : IV, Issue : XII, December - 2014

A Study on Social Network Marketing among the Business Sectors in Coimbatore

P. Govindaraj, Dr. M. Venkatraman

Abstract :

Social Network marketing is recent development in building relationship between business in successful and systematic manner. The awareness is slowly increasing around India where the western countries dominate in a significant manner. Social networks like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and MySpace are being increasingly used for promoting every type of business from a small one–person business to mega corporate. From its inception, LinkedIn has geared more to fostering network connections within the business community and its common for entrepreneurs and corporate managers to get along and to seek out opportunities for their business. This paper includes A study about the impact of social networking for their business promotions, difficulties and problem faced out of it.

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P. Govindaraj,Dr. M. Venkatraman A Study on Social Network Marketing among the Business Sectors in Coimbatore Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue : 12 December 2014

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